Let me begin, by Thanking all my friends and bloggers and literature enthusiasts across the board, for helping make my recent campaign for ;
We love you guys, you are the best.
I hope everybody had a really good Holiday season, now with that behind us-"sadly" it is time to trudge through a new year.
These are the dreaded Blues-grays I like to call them; dead January and Frumpy February. But even these are a vital part of the growing process. a time to rest and regroup, uncover the hidden wisdom in some old black and white movies... Learn something new from the old. classics, beautiful and brilliant.
Books old and tattered are an excellent source of memory and warmth. Hot cocoa and tea, exotic coffee from a far-off mountainside on Hawaii or Brazil can transport us to tropical fantasy. As David Lee Roth the eternal California son once observed- " I want my feet in the sand and a drink in my hand." Bravo ! my friend, I concur. But till then we here on the east coast will have to wait it out; with only our radios iPhones and sacred old texts of forgotten lore to comfort us.
As someone, much wiser than myself once reminded me; There is really" nothing that new under the sun." Some might beg to differ, but after careful examination at the end of the day, most things are reinventions of ideas that have been here before. Even Technology with its bells and whistles shiny objects and brain simulation serves mostly as a vehicle to exchange information at the speed of light; maybe faster.Not an idea much different in its Germaine form as Guttenbergs was when he first laid plans for the printing press.
So, despite the blue grays, there is one thing that February brings and that is Valentines Day.
So, let us rejoice in the simplicity of Amore, and toast the supernatural quality of mild insanity that love brings to those who have been smitten.

In the days of youthful love,
Sweet hours...
Forever dreaming...
In the silence of love
To itself
In the stillness of its own meaning
As Always, with best personal regards,
I remain very truly yours.
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