Meet Author and Artist Rocco Scibetta
1. Tell us about yourself:
a. Where do you live? I am living in New jersey of which I have been a lifelong resident. I Love New Jersey It is a surreal Universe across the River from Manhattan and home to many famous people from Frank Sinatra to Bruce Springsteen and many more.
b. Are you married? I am married to my best friend and soul mate.
c. Kids? Two adult children … My daughter is a English and Literature teacher and helps me with my editing. Love her. My son is studying forensic medicine.
d. Full time job? I work only menial jobs to do character studies for my books. I am currently working in the food industry to study how cooks and kitchen staff behave at their craft. I have been a doorman, a bartender, and a taxi driver, just to meet people. Research is the only way I authenticate my characters, besides I am a genuine people person, I love characters. I will soon be doing stints as a stand-up comic because I need to know the terror of bombing in front of a room full of drunks for an upcoming story. As an Artist and painter I do some shows between New Jersey and New York to keep the mania fresh.
e. Education? I have no real use for it I am professionally tutored by folks I meet along the way… They are a savvy bunch. My good friends are very well educated.
2. Who is your favorite author and book? There are many, I would have to say the ones that immediately comes to mind are some things by Herman Hesse and Umberto Ecco.
3. What is your preferred genre? Existential literature and pre- Raphael gothic style novels.
4. How did you start this journey to become a writer? Quite by accident I am originally a painter, I began writing to bring my paintings to life… I always wanted to write a screen play for art movies however the stories began taking on a life of their own, on direction from a friend I submitted the manuscripts for publishing and was taken right away… my third novel is almost completed.
5. Tell us about your current book. My current book REVERSAL is a modern romance that lures the reader into the underbelly of the provocative art world. Loveable characters intertwine, while life comes full circle forcing all the players good and bad to grow up in public. Love, friendship and loyalty win the day.

6. What is the inspiration for your current book? The inspiration for all my books is “ Real Life is different than it is in our dreams.”
7. Who was your favorite character to write and why? They are all equal to me because they all share unique problems… That being said , Felex X. Cole from APPLES FROM THE GARDEN OF EDEN is pretty cool.

8. Is there anything of you in that character? God no.
9. What sets your book apart? The subject matter.
10. What’s your favorite part in the book? In Reversal I like how Dylan Welles grows up to become a diva Art dealer… I can’t read it , it is too diverse across the pages. It would be a spoiler.
11. What was the most difficult part to write? The most difficult part isn’t the writing for me, it is developing the concept. When the concept is clear the writing follows suit.
12. What was your favorite book to write? The new one I am working on… THE LOVELETTERS OF LYDIA SWANGARDEN amazes me each time I go back and reread; I Love the Lydia character.
13.. How do you write? Do you have a set time or place? How many hours a day? In the wee hours of the morning or on my days off . Sometimes though, I get my best ideas in the shower, I am sure I am not alone in this. lol
14. Why did you want to be a writer? I don’t. It just happened.
15. How do you get your ideas? From my paintings.
16. What do you have planned next? Poetry.. but not the mushy stuff… epic poems that read like obituaries or news of the day. Not quite like Dante but more like if Homer wrote for the funny papers.
17. What advice would you give new writers? Have something to say. It is important.
1. How can readers get in touch with you? Facebook or; please write I love to talk about art and literature. How we communicate is important.
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