Raves remain high for APPLES FROM THE GARDEN OF EDEN going into the new year.

   Projecting into the new year Things are looking good for both :
APPLES FROM THE GARDEN OF EDEN and REVERSAL.  The symposiums coming up for the new year at New Jersey City University are filling the roster and some new paintings are underway.

    With painting in mind, the completion of  FLOWERS AND NOISE sets off in a new direction.

     Being More conceptual and breaking further from the bond with realism my goal is simple. I am creating visual links to define and minimalize the complexities and confusion of our fragile and sometimes undefinable culture.  Art, for the most part, or how we engage in it doesn't seem to have much to say these days.
In my stories, I am always trying to thread the ribbons together of past icons and generations that move culture to where we are now. It is hard to look up from the Pitre dish and figure out exactly where you are, it is most difficult to define a work of art or a piece of literature while it is still in development.
   For this reason, I am touching on thems in my art that has already been well defined. ; proven to withstand the test of time and swashbuckling clashes with culture.   Always bearing in mind the pop icons of simplicity Like the Warhol flowers or the vast representation of nature the likes of a Casper David Friedrich, Every picture tells a story.
    In the sixties the narratives were constant.  Art, music, and fashion, as well as social change, bounced off each other with such firm vibration that every art in every field had a corresponding theme to latch on to. This is not the only time this has happened, Other moments in past history have had this joining also. Ours, however, possibly due to the major role technology plays in communications. This overindulgence might have left us a little ditsy. When cultures overlap there is confusion. My job as Artist and writer is to rummage through the chaos and salvage the sterile cuckoo.

 As Always,
' Rocco

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